Living toward FI

Living toward FI

I’m trying to figure out what to say and how to say it which has caused me to avoid adding new content to the website. I’m making progress toward Financial Independence and everything is chugging along on that front. Many in the FIRE space comment on the marathon slog toward your FI-date once you have all your systems working and I’m definitely feeling that. My journey toward FI originally started in 2018. My approach was to tackle my unsecured debt first, then assess and identify relevant and achievable goals toward Financial Independence. I achieved my debt pay-off goals in 2019, formalized my FI plan in early 2020 and built my spreadsheets and trackers with goals in late 2020. While I’m happy to report that I’ve been hitting the goals I’ve set in my trackers I never fully understood how BORING this part of the process would be. If you’ve checked out The Numbers page of the website you can see the timeline I’ve set in the net worth tracker toward the bottom of the page. Each month when we tick over the last day I update the spreadsheet with the real numbers for that month. When I created the tracker I knew this would be a slog, so I intentionally broke the time between when I created the tracker (August, 2020) and my planned FI-date (June, 2023) into three equal time blocks colored RED, ORANGE, YELLOW , and GREEN on the FI-month of June, 2023. I’m pretty excited to mark off July, 2021 on the tracker because that moves me OUT of the RED section and into the ORANGE section!!!!! WOOOO HOOO BABY!! The ORANGE section is 12 months and the YELLOW section is 11 months, so this means I am officially less than 2 years from my planned FI date!

I’ve recently come out of the FI closet with two friends and shared this website. I have a feeling the two people I’ve told about this website also happen to be the only two visitors to the website, so that is fun. Thanks visitor friends!

Work is still going well and I’m enjoying the gig, so while the FI-slog is in full swing it isn’t unbearable because I don’t hate my job. With the pandemic winding down executives are starting to push a return to the office, so that could change the feelings around future long-term employment past my FI-date. I toyed with the idea of negotiating a part-time remote work situation once I hit the FI-date, but if executives are going to demand a return to butt-in-seat time I think I’ll just walk once I’ve hit my goal.

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