Post-FI Passion

Post-FI Passion

While trying to finish the prior blog post my wordpress theme decided to cause issues. I randomly grabbed the most recent standard wordpress theme so I could get the site back up and live, but I hate the way it currently looks. I was getting the wordpress white screen of death, which is an actual thing, as defined on

After throwing a tantrum and wasting a couple mornings overcoming the WP white screen of death I’ve been trying to focus my energy on something more productive. I’ve been working in the yard weeding, mulching, watering and generally playing in the dirt. Yesterday my dog decided that he needed to lift a leg and pee right on the shrub I was actively weeding and mulching, so it’s fun for the whole family. I’m starting to enjoy the relaxation that comes with working outside in the yard while listening to my podcasts. The morning is glorious this time of year in my part of the country and my house faces East on a hillside so I get to work while watching colorful sunrises almost daily.

One of the big questions everyone ponders in the FI community is what to do with all the time when you’re no longer required to work 8+ hours a day. I got my first hourly job at the age of 14 and I’ve been continuously employed ever since. Coming from a poor family deeply engrained a scarcity mindset and as a result I’ve always focused on the most prudent type of work rather than pursuing my passion. If I’m being honest with myself, I have no idea what I’m passionate about doing when the need to earn money is no longer the primary factor for work. I don’t really know where to begin searching for my passion. I could see myself working in the yard a couple hours each day and becoming passionate about growing things, but I don’t think I would be happy investing much more than that. So, as I work on figuring out my passion, I’ll keep planting, weeding, mulching and growing things & ideas until something beautiful blooms.

Cheers 🍻

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