Working Through Insanity


Working Through Insanity

I’ve mentioned a few times on this website that I am one of those lucky people who actually enjoys his work and company. I’m going to start off by restating that I still enjoy my work and company, but things have gotten INSANE recently. I knew work was on the verge of getting crazy as I prepared to jump into a year-long project I’m leading. My FI date coincides with the completion of the work project that started this month. Assuming everything goes according to plan I should complete the primary project goals by mid-2023. Once the project is standing on it’s own two legs my plan is to begin winding down any loose ends through the remainder of 2023. I will have conversations with executive leaders about my future in February, 2024.

Always plan for the fact that no plan ever goes according to plan.

Simon Sinek

The plan above is pretty straight forward, but I’m also anticipating that the plan may change. If a major economic downturn hits between now and then I may not feel comfortable pulling the trigger. If my company asks for additional time I may not stick to the original plan. If the project crashes and burns I may be free sooner than later ??. Anyhow, as I write this I’m sitting at my dining room table drinking coffee & watching the sunrise behind the mountains. My dog is laying on my feet keeping them warm while he finishes his morning teeth cleaning treat. The latest episode of the Bigger Pockets Money podcast is playing in the background and life is pretty darn good.

Cheers 🍻

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