Year 3 Done!

Year 3 Done!

  1. I choose to exclude the estimated closing costs and taxes for the sale of my home. My long-term plan is to eventually sell the house and invest most of the equity in my brokerage account. If I buy another home in the future I plan to purchase in a much lower cost of living area closer to family.

  2. Around $450,000 which I’ve set aside to cover living expenses for the first five years of early retirement.

  3. Lastly, it excludes a long-term investment which I believe will return between $100k – $150k maturing in 2031.

My actual net worth including the above items is $1,537,000. However, because I’ll be living on the $450,000 for the first 5 years I’m estimating that when I need to access my other investments in 2030 or 2031 those investments will have grown to between $1,800,000 to $2,000,000. The investments and growth assumptions are all explained on The Numbers page of this website.

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