Camp-FI Rocky Mountains

Camp-FI Rocky Mountains

I’ve decided to attend my first Camp-FI and I am excited to talk with other likeminded individuals following a similar path. If you aren’t familiar with Camp-FI you can check it out on their website, they offer annual gatherings in many locations around the US each year. I’ll be attending the second week of the Rocky Mountains Camp-FI gathering in Colorado Springs, CO from July 8th – 11th, 2022.

I’m going into the Camp-FI experience with a pretty open mind and some flexible expectations. So far, the mainstream FIRE community seems pretty homogeneous so I’m a bit worried that as an unmarried gay man I might not fit into this group, but I’m hopeful that it will be a supportive community. That said, there are some terrific gay financial independence role models producing some great content on the web. Outside of the mainstream FIRE community, I listen to the Queer Money Podcast, read the Geekstreamers blog, and follow Brent & Michael are Going Places, so I understand that some great role models are out there.

Cheers 🍻

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