Category: Financial Independence

Financial Independence

Camp-FI Experience

Camp-FI was such an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to anyone on the journey to financial independence. The thing I’ve found most challenging about the road to financial independence is how utterly lonely it can be. Very few people in my personal life understand what I’m working toward and those who aren’t immediately […]

Financial Independence

Camp-FI Rocky Mountains

I’ve decided to attend my first Camp-FI and I am excited to talk with other likeminded individuals following a similar path. If you aren’t familiar with Camp-FI you can check it out on their website, they offer annual gatherings in many locations around the US each year. I’ll be attending the second week of the […]

Financial Independence

2021 Recap

Hey friends, My goal for 2022 is to write an update at least once a month. When I created this website I thought I would write every couple weeks, but now that all my automated systems are established I’m finding it is more about keeping myself entertained and engaged in regular life. The investment and […]

Financial Independence

Year 1 DONE!

I cannot believe it has been one year since I originally built my spreadsheets, documented my formal plan, and launched this website. When I put my spreadsheets together in early/mid-2020 I documented the monthly goals from June 2020 through 2023. The live tracker on The Numbers page updates with actuals each month as the market […]

Financial Independence

Defining FIRE

I haven’t invested a lot of attention defining which type of FIRE I’m focused on. I’ve never been much for labels and classifications since I feel like most aspects of my life have not fallen cleanly into any particular category. I was listening to the Bigger Pockets Money podcast recently and the guest mentioned how […]

Financial Independence

Living toward FI

I’m trying to figure out what to say and how to say it which has caused me to avoid adding new content to the website. I’m making progress toward Financial Independence and everything is chugging along on that front. Many in the FIRE space comment on the marathon slog toward your FI-date once you have […]

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