Two Months into Early Retirement

Two Months into Early Retirement

I’ve been meaning to write a one-month and two-month update, but, unsurprisingly, I’ve slacked off yet again! Fortunately, it’s because I’ve been so busy enjoying the summer in Seattle that sitting down to write took a backseat. But as Sunday, September 1st, 2024, marks two months since I took the leap into early retirement, I figure it’s high time to share what’s been going on.

July was a whirlwind of activity, a true testament to how many wonderful people I have in my life. From the moment I clocked out of work for the last time, friends seemed to come out of the woodwork, eager to catch up and hear all about my new adventure. The first month was a blur of social engagements—celebratory spa days, lunches, and even a road trip to Camano Island for pedicures and good food with a dear friend. There were happy hours galore and even an open-water kayaking trip to Point Robinson Lighthouse, where we picnicked before paddling back. I also lent a hand with some heavy-duty landscaping for friends in Tacoma and rounded out July with another amazing experience at Camp-FI Rocky Mountains. To say it was a busy month would be an understatement.

August brought a bit more routine, though it was highlighted by a week-long visit from my mom and another kayaking adventure, this time across Lake Washington. One of my biggest fears leading up to early retirement was the possibility of alienating myself from my colleagues or upsetting my former peers and coworkers. This fear, I now realize, stemmed from a sense of imposter syndrome—feeling as though choosing such a unique path might set me apart in a negative way. However, the reality was quite the opposite. Most, if not all, of my former colleagues were simply happy for me. So, when my former boss invited me to the company picnic as her plus one, it was a relief and a joy. Initially, I had been anxious about sharing my early retirement plans with my coworkers, but their overwhelming support and kindness reassured me. It was wonderful to reconnect with old team members in a much more relaxed and enjoyable setting.

As I settled into my new normal, I’ve been embracing a daily routine that starts with a Vinyasa or Hatha yoga class each morning. After yoga, I treat myself to some quiet time at a nearby coffee shop with a rooftop patio. It’s the perfect spot to sip tea, plan my meals, check the socials, and even indulge in some Grindr browsing (because why not?). My daily walk home includes a stop at the market to pick up whatever ingredients I might need, and I’ve found that cooking at home has not only saved me money but also led to healthier eating habits. Afternoons are dedicated to various projects—be it writing for the blog, working in the yard, or tackling home renovations. By 5:00 PM, I’m usually out the door again to meet neighborhood friends for happy hour, a relaxing way to end the day before heading home for dinner.

One of the concerns I had about early retirement was the potential for isolation, but that hasn’t been an issue at all. I’ve been making new friends through yoga and at the coffee shop, where I’ve met a few regulars who are remote workers. My daily walks with Denali, my dog, often lead to friendly chats at the dog park, and on rainy days, we head to a nearby private park with shelter and even some creature comforts like gas fire pits, seltzers, wine, and beer.

On the financial front, I did overspend in July, but considering how much time I spent reconnecting with friends and celebrating, I’m not too worried about it. Surprisingly, I managed to underspend in August as I settled into a routine. I’ve noticed that my desire to drink has significantly decreased since leaving work, likely due to the combination of improved fitness, diet, and reduced stress. Regardless, eating at home more often and cutting back on alcohol—opting instead for nonalcoholic seltzers or iced tea at the pub—has made a noticeable difference both financially and emotionally.

All in all, these first two months of early retirement have been full of adventure, connection, and a bit of self-discovery. I’m looking forward to seeing how this journey continues to unfold.

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